
Kunagi, ma usun, et 8-9 aasta eest, juhtusin lugema Ameerika luuletajanna May Swensoni (1919-1989) luuletust "The Universe". Täna hakkas selle lõpp mind uuesti kummitama (suurepärased kõla- ja riimimängud) ja ma otsisin terve luuletuse üles. Siis kogust "To Mix with Time" (1963):

is it about,
the universe,
the universe about us stretching out?
We, within our brains,
within it,
we must unspin
the laws that spin it.
We think why
because we think
Because we think,
we think
the universe about us.

But does it think,
the universe?
Then what about?
About us?
If not,
must there be cause
in the universe?
Must it have laws?
And what
if the universe
is not about us?
Then what?
is it about?
And what
about us?