
Kuna mul viimasel ajal muudkui kummitavad erinevad katked Jesus Christ Superstar'ist, siis kuulasin selle uuesti tervikuna läbi. Või noh, kuulasin ja laulsin samal ajal :-) Mõjusamaid muusikale! Nii et ma arvan, et seda tuleb kahtlemata kuulama-vaatama minna.

Teksti lugedes ei saanud muidugi jällegi tähele panemata jätta (meenumiselevusega!) mahlakaid väljendeid ja irooniat (stiilis Show me there's a reason for your wanting me to die. / You're far to keen on where and how, but not so hot on why. --- If you'd come today you could have reached a whole nation. / Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication. --- Could Mohammed move a mountain, or was that just PR?).
Ja muidugi apostlite laul: Always hoped that I'd be an apostle. / Knew that I would make it if I tried. / Then when we retire, we can write the Gospels, / So they'll still talk about us when we've died.

jne jne (fade out)