
Sexual riddles: the test of the listener (Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj 1997. a kokkuvõtte järgi):

Something round, split in the middle
Surrounded by hair, and water comes out. - Eye.

What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if it doesn't work you can use your fingers? - Fork.

Stick, wet, loose, pull, if it doesn't fit then lick the end. - Needle and thread.

What is it a man can do standing, a woman sitting down, and a dog on three legs? - Shake hands.

What is it that a cow has four of and a woman only two of? - Legs.

What is a four-letter word ending in 'k' that means the same as intercourse? - Talk.

What is it on a man that is round, hard, and sticks so far out of his pyjamas that you can hang his hat on it? - His head.